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Mentor relationships are key to success in both personal and professional circumstances. This course covers the benefits of mentoring programs for employees, mentors, and the organisation as a whole.

Is this for you?

This course is suitable for anyone who wishes to help others progress in the workplace.

Award and Associated Qualifications

Awarded 1 CPD points upon successful completion

Start Date


Study Type

In centre, Online, or a combination

Training Type



1 hour

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About this course

This course is for anyone wishing to learn what it takes to be an effective and aspiring mentor in the workplace.

To help find your way through the numerous career choices available to you, you’ll need the guidance and experience of someone with the right skills and expertise –– a mentor. Having a mentor means you can use the knowledge of a supportive professional to help you learn to work more efficiently and advance your career.

In this course, you’ll learn how to find a mentor who can assist you in your professional goals and who can give you expert career advice on further education, networking, and interviews. You’ll also explore the qualities of a good mentor and of an effective mentoring relationship.

The course also covers the benefits of mentoring programs for employees, mentors, and the organisation as a whole and explores the differences between mentoring and coaching relationships. It also details what makes a mentoring program successful and considers various mentoring models and approaches and how each contributes to making a mentoring program a good experience for all involved.


Module 1 – Finding and Nurturing a Mentor Relationship
Module 2 – Fostering Mentoring Relationships

Aims and Objectives


Finance Options

Career Path

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    What's the difference?

    We offer a range of training packages in a range of subject areas and can offer blended learning opportunities to best meet your needs


    Our courses are practical in nature and focus on a single subject and can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.


    Diplomas are designed to give you a complete skillset mapped to a specific career path and contain a number of core and elective courses